
Photos by Dr. Sarah Vincent
I work as a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at SUNY: University at Buffalo. Though my focus is on exceptional teaching, I have a number of research interests that inform the courses I develop or teach. My research primarily pursues intersections between the philosophy of cognitive science and moral psychology, most especially regarding nonhuman animals and neurodivergent persons. Additionally, I am interested in both aesthetics and the metaphysics of death.

Beyond this more formal work, community-building continues to be important to me. Here at UB, I am the faculty sponsor for a number of undergraduate clubs; see my events page for more details. And while living in Tallahassee, I created and hosted a public philosophy series called ‘Brain Freeze.’ The goals of the series were multiple: to support FSU’s MAP (Minorities and Philosophy) chapter, to facilitate discourse across academic disciplines, and to promote interaction beyond the confines of a university setting.

Before coming to UB, I taught at Florida State University, University of North Florida, York University (Toronto), University of Memphis, Christian Brothers University, and Mid-South Community College. I earned my Ph.D. in Philosophy at University of Memphis, after completing other degrees at Vanderbilt University and Christian Brothers University. Towards the end of my doctoral program, I was also a visiting student at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany).

When I’m not philosophizing, I enjoy spending time with my husband and our cats, reading memoirs, learning more about surrealist art, and taking photographs of pigeons and ducks.